Directors & officers - A broadening risk landscape

The role of a company director or owner can be a stressful one. In addition to the responsibility of making the right strategic decisions for the organisation, directors also face the implications of a broadening risk landscape and an ever-present threat of a claim being brought against them as a result of their actions.

Whilst these might stem from a disgruntled employee or a vexed consumer, the advent of the digital age and the move towards an increasingly connected world means that directors are now faced with a new raft of risks and exposures. Being aware of these vulnerabilities is not enough; rather directors and senior decision-makers need to implement measures to minimise their exposures and protect themselves in the event of a claim being brought.

This content sheds light on the new and emerging risks that are adding pressure to business decision makers as well as the benefits associated with taking out directors and officers (D&O) insurance.

Topics included:
• Regulatory responsibilities, including data protection.
• The impact of artificial intelligence (AI).
• Brexit.
• Climate change.
• #MeToo and workplace harassment.
• D&O insurance trends.