Risk Management
771 whitepapers and resources
Risk Management
HSB Knowledge Squad Podcast: The true cost of not having equipment breakdown insurance
Following our whitepaper, HSB’s Andrew Bazley, Alan Cain, and Andy Meanock discuss the commercial realities of equipment failures and how they can impact customers’ finances, and the trends and risk considerations you need to be aware of. Listen to this podcast to find out more.
Post-termination restrictions for partners and senior team members
If an employee or partner has knowledge of your clients and techniques, your strategic plans and staff data could be attractive to competitors. This article explains the types of restrictions that firms can implement to protect such information and important points to consider when taking action.
Closing the cyber protection gap
Aviva research shows that one in five businesses have experienced a cyber-attack or incident in the last year. It also found that cyber is the top risk businesses face, with 30% of companies stating it is a prevalent key risk. This article explores why an underinsured market benefits no one.
The biggest questions that insurers face about their use of artificial intelligence
This guide created by Mind Foundry, investigates the biggest questions that insurers face about their use of artificial intelligence, and why now is the time to embrace the concept of AI governance.
The importance of equipment breakdown insurance in an unpredictable world
Today’s machinery and equipment is more high-tech and specialised than ever, but it can also be more unpredictable. As machinery has evolved, so too have the risks. This blog highlights the true cost of equipment failures and five key benefits of equipment breakdown insurance.
Safeguarding construction plant and equipment: A guide to loss prevention
This document aims to provide a guide to the prevention of damage or theft of construction plant and equipment (CPE), raising awareness of some of the practical measures that can be implemented to ensure CPE is operated safely and stored securely.
Safeguarding contractors' small tools and equipment: A guide to loss prevention
The theft of small tools and equipment from construction sites is an ongoing concern for project stakeholders. This brief guide to loss prevention provides best practice guidance for preventing the theft of small tools and equipment from construction project sites and vehicles.
Why cyber insurance’s evolution requires an AI injection
The frequency and intensity of cyberattacks are changing rules and throwing the insurance market into chaos. In this article, Hartmut Mai, president at Cyberwrite, argues AI is required to produce cyber insurance suitable for today’s business needs.
How can ESG data help insurers reduce climate risk?
Climate change is one of the greatest, long-term risks facing the insurance sector. Fortunately, insurers can play a pivotal role in the transition to a greener economy. This content focuses on how insurers can contribute to a greener future by leveraging ESG data to reduce climate risk.
Get ready for the reality of virtual production risks
This article explains how insurance policy wordings are having to adapt to the risks associated with virtual reality production.