UK Politics and Government

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UK Politics and Government

Delivering better justice

The spring is always a busy time for ARAG, but this year has been exceptional. This blog provides an update on ARAG’s activities so far in 2024 and why, regardless of the next government, the business will be ready to adapt its policies and operations to provide access to justice for clients.

Employment law: Not such a quiet year

While 2024 may not have produced many headline-grabbing changes to employment legislation, it has seen numerous reforms. This article highlights changes impacting: taxation; National Insurance; working time and holiday entitlement; flexible working arrangements; the Equality Act 2010.

No substitute for full compensation

February saw the publication of not just one, but two reports making significant proposals for the NHS. This blog sheds light on how the recommendations made could have a profound impact on the future of justice and compensation for people injured through medical treatment or care.

Embedded insurance: Blind to the risks?

The huge excitement sweeping the insurance industry about the potential of embedded insurance is easy to understand. However, in the race to embrace this opportunity, many are in danger of overlooking the risks, reputational and regulatory. Read this article to find out more.

Changes to CPR 44

The Civil Procedure Rule Committee has announced that certain critical amendments to the QOCS rules come into force for all personal injury and clinical negligence claims issued from 6 April 2023. This short blog highlights the latest changes.