How different views on digital transformation impact customer experience

When it comes to major events that impact people, economies and environments, insurance is firmly on the frontline. In the last few years, the industry — traditionally slow to modernise — has been reinventing strategies and working models to meet the demands of the changing global landscape, from the pandemic to economic and political instability.

Acceleration of digital transformation has become a priority because it directly impacts current strategic imperatives — customer focus, operational simplification, financial sustainability and innovation. But despite the drive for change, the same challenges that have historically held back insurance providers are yet to be overcome. Legacy systems, data and processes can be difficult and expensive to modernise, and bringing in new technologies to solve these issues can create more problems when they are layered on top of the old.

To take the temperature of the market in terms of digital transformation and automation, SS&C Blue Prism recently undertook a global survey of insurance professionals. In addition, we partnered with Post on a more local how insurance companies are using digital to improve customer experience in claims.

This content highlights how tech-savvy insurers are using digital to improve customer experience in claims and the importance of top-down communication and strategic alignment through the business.