Ergonomics best practices: Guidelines for staying healthy while working from home

Because of the Covid-19 pandemic, which scored a direct hit on global business, millions of employees around the country have been sent home, and many of them are able to conduct business remotely. What did not go home with them – proper workspace ergonomics.

Now more than ever, ergonomics matters. Without proper ergonomics, workers can suffer back, neck, wrist, and pelvic pain

Effective ergonomics in an office setting is challenging enough, but when employees must work from home, the chance of injuries stemming from poor ergonomics increases.

In this article, Brad Berkowitz, Risk Consulting Associate, Property & Casualty Environmental at AXA XL shares some ergonomic best practices and guidelines for staying healthy while working from home.

Topics covered:
• How proper ergonomics can help your employees.
• The importance of work station self-assessments.
• Activities employees can incorporate into their work day routines to improve wellbeing.