Property intelligence: Understanding and managing natural hazards

“Natural hazards” refers to natural factors in the external environment that could damage or destroy a building. These most commonly include flood, wildfire and tropical storms, but others include earthquakes, lightning, hail and freeze.

With climate change increasing the frequency and severity of weather events and some natural catastrophes, understanding the risk to properties is becoming more important than ever.

This report reviews the techniques and tools available today to help insurers understand, manage and mitigate natural hazard risk for properties they are insuring.

Topics covered include:
• Understanding the natural hazards a property faces.
• Location and property attribute information.
• Catastrophe modelling in a changing climate.
• Secondary perils and previously non-modelled perils.
• The rise of platforms and third-party distributors.
• The before and after - risk mitigation and event response.
• Parametric coverage for natural perils.
• The InsTech members.