Five ways to get ahead in the omnichannel customer experience arms race

Over the next decade, will the biggest threats to your insurance company come from other financial giants — or from the biggest tech companies in the world?

Google and Amazon don’t underwrite policies. They don’t have agents driving new business. They aren’t considered part of the financial services industry. But in one key area, insurers and banks are going head-to-head with the biggest players in the tech game.

Customer experience counts. A generation of consumers is growing to expect instant gratification, and financial services organisations aren’t meeting their needs. Omnichannel, always-connected consumers aren’t grading on a curve just because the financial services industry is slow to modernise.

This guide, intended for forward-thinking leaders in the insurance industry focuses on why the biggest threat facing organisations is big tech and five ways to get ahead in the omnichannel customer experience arms race.

Topics covered include:
• How has the rise of digital giants led to customers who demand more from bankers, lenders, and insurers?
• How can financial services organisations learn from the biggest players in the tech industry about satisfying customers in 2020 and beyond?
• What approach can financial services organisations take now to stay competitive in the future?