In-depth: Cyber - How brokers can help clients armour themselves against emerging threats

The grim reality of cyber attacks should be well known with frequent headlines about businesses locked out of their systems, having valuable customer data stolen and leaked, or suffering serious losses through invoice fraud.

That has not stopped a stubborn and significant minority of businesses adopting an ostrich strategy, sticking their heads in the sand and hoping the multiple threats will pass them by. That is the road to extinction. It is a road that brokers can help clients avoid.

Recent surveys have revealed just how many firms are in denial, with SMEs more likely to have left themselves exposed on many fronts. Aviva’s Risk Insights Report found that 20% of business leaders believe their enterprise is not at risk from a cyber attack with this percentage rising to 30% for SMEs.

This in-depth investigates how brokers can help clients armour themselves against emerging cyber threats.

Topics covered include:
• Slow growth.
• Remote working.
• Priorities.
• Driving uptake.
• Ransomware – the misconception.
• Cyber risk management.
• A culture of resilience.