Care and insurance

Care organisations have been on the front line of Britain’s fight against the pandemic and in supporting society’s most vulnerable. Staff and businesses have been placed under unprecedented strain, caught in the middle of the Government’s strategy to restrict the spread of the virus and ease the pressure on the NHS.

The pandemic has created a greater need for appropriate insurance cover, risk management and legal support than ever before, but questions remain for the future. Brokers will need to fully understand their clients’ changing risk profiles while insurers will need to wrestle with the ability to shape their cover to meet the care sector’s needs.

This content focuses on how the insurance industry will play an important role in the care sector’s efforts to navigate the new normal and mitigate new risks.

Topics covered:
• Care sector overview.
• The impact of lockdown.
• Changing risks and needs.
• A future defined by uncertainty.
• Specialist solutions are the way forward.
• Possible new risks may need to be overcome.