Business Management
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Business Management - White papers related to Business Management
Spotlight: Effortless online journeys with a smooth payments system
Insurance customers parting with their hard-earned money don’t wish to be inconvenienced by delays, cancellations or avoidable issues. This spotlight highlights why payment systems are a vital part of the insurance transaction and the importance of a smooth online journey.
How to support insurance customers in vulnerable circumstances
The FCA’s review into how firms understand and respond to the needs of customers in vulnerable circumstances signals an important moment for the insurance industry. This article explains what insurance providers need to do to meet the FCA’s expectations.
How insurers should navigate supply chain disruption
For many businesses, supply chain disruption has become the norm, rather than an aberration, and this trend will likely continue. With supply chain disruption continuing, this article explores why companies need to prioritise resilience and proactive prevention measures beyond insurance reliance.
Spotlight: Is insurance ready to go multichannel on payments?
This content sheds light on Access PaySuite’s research on payments in the insurance Sector, the increasing importance of multichannel options and how insurers can ensure that all policyholders have access to secure and convenient payment options.
Bridging the insurance talent gap with AI
Today’s insurance industry is thriving with innovative technologies and next-generation products. But a shrinking headcount due to retiring baby boomers and a shortage of younger workers could jeopardise a bright future. This podcast explores how AI can help carriers bridge the insurance talent gap.
AI transformation: Unveiling its generative power with Microsoft and OpenAI
Insurtech has been revolutionised by advancements in AI technology, especially, Gen AI, which continues to transform underwriting, customer service and fraud detection. This podcast examines Microsoft’s partnership with OpenAI and how it continues to move Gen AI and its applications forward.
Markerstudy’s Lizzie Smith-Foreman on the importance of a sustainability strategy
As well as shifting to a more customer-centric model, businesses need to examine their purpose – to demonstrate commitment to a diverse, equitable and inclusive workplace. This article highlights why clear sustainability aims are a must to keep doing business with your partners and customers.
Podcast: Construction theft - contractors' small tools and equipment
HSB's John Nicholls and Jamie Talbot explore the rising impact of small tools and equipment theft in the construction industry, how they affect construction customers' bottom line, and what preventative measures and industry best practices they can take or follow to mitigate the risk of theft.
Want to maximise your savings this Black Friday/Cyber Monday - Know your consumer rights before you click
While you're busy securing the best online deals during Black Friday and Cyber Monday, it's crucial to know your rights as a consumer. Chloe Jones at DAS Law explains what every online shopper needs to know to shop smart this Black Friday and Cyber Monday.
How generative AI can catapult insurance into the future
This article explains how insurance companies that have traditionally been on the back foot can now surge ahead of technology-embracing banks by embracing generative artificial intelligence.