760 whitepapers and resources
Infusing GenAI into insurance
Generative AI (GenAI) could revolutionise the insurance industry. Insurers unprepared for significant changes and new value sources may miss out on its potential. This paper highlights GenAI's most impactful opportunities and demonstrates its real-life applications in the insurance sector.
Are you ready for commoditised insurance’s slow death to speed up?
Forget about products – Felix Schachter, insurance advisory leader at Tata Consultancy Services, says you need to focus on your customers and the value you can offer them to stay relevant in today’s rapidly evolving insurance market. Read this content to find out more.
What pushed up the price of EV premiums?
Analysts say insurance claims costs are 25% higher for electric cars, and that they also take about 14% longer to repair than a diesel or petrol equivalent. This article explains what pushed up electric vehicle motor insurance premiums plus what it will take to make cover more affordable again.
Fraud Spotlight: Working together to prevent insurance fraud
The fight against insurance fraud is a complex and multifaceted challenge that requires a concerted effort across the market. This article highlights the barriers to effective collaboration and how disparate elements can be aligned to create an effective market-wide fraud prevention strategy.
Whose role is it anyway? Helping consumers with the lasting impact of the cost of living crisis
68% of Europeans think insurance premiums are excessively high, highlighting the importance for many to access affordable products. This content sheds light on CRIF’s latest research and how open banking unlocks data for insurers to better assess risk and provide more competitive policy premiums.
Fraud Spotlight: ID fraud now hardest to spot, say insurance leaders
Identity fraud was named as the fraud typology most difficult to detect, according to the 2024 Insurance Post Fraud Survey sponsored by LexisNexis Risk Solutions. This article highlights the fraud typologies insurers are finding most difficult to identify and the rise of synthetic ID fraud.
Podcast: Why social housing providers need to update their cover
Why social housing providers should be prompted to update their insurance coverage and give accurate rebuild costs by conducting reinstatement cost assessments is the topic of the latest Insurance Post Podcast. Listen to this podcast to find out more.
Four ways to boost motor insurers' profits
Insurance Post gathered a group of personal lines experts to discuss what it will take to make motor insurance more profitable for providers and appreciated by policyholders. This article provides a summary of the roundtable discussion.
Home insurance: Tackling the surge in claims settlement delay complaints
With a significant spike in complaints suggesting the home insurance industry is struggling to keep pace with the number of claims it is receiving, this article examines what is behind settlement delays and how providers are managing expectations.
HSB Knowledge Squad Podcast: The true cost of not having equipment breakdown insurance
Following our whitepaper, HSB’s Andrew Bazley, Alan Cain, and Andy Meanock discuss the commercial realities of equipment failures and how they can impact customers’ finances, and the trends and risk considerations you need to be aware of. Listen to this podcast to find out more.