Insurance Post

Insurance Post has, since 1840, been delivering business-critical information for the general insurance market. Considered essential reading by senior managers in the sector, Insurance Post’s strength lies in the breadth and depth of its coverage across insurance, broking, claims, technology and risk management.

Grenfell: Five years on

Over five years have passed since 72 victims lost their lives after a fire ripped through a building featuring unsafe cladding. This article investigates what insurers have learnt from this, how building standards have moved on and if the prospects of similar tragedies have been ruled out.

All on board – firms must tackle representation

The FCA requires listed firms to report on, and disclose, targets on how well represented women and ethnic minorities are on boards and executive management teams. This article investigates if the regulator has been too light-touch on this important issue of underrepresentation.

Cutting back the harvest criminals

Plant theft in rural areas is a major issue for landowners and their insurers. This article explores how a specialist police unit, which was set up in 2021, is helping to tackle this type of crime, and what mitigation measures are being introduced.

How are insurers managing PPO risks in 2022?

Periodical payment orders might not have grown in the volumes some expected, but still pose challenges for general insurers not least due to their similarity to longevity life risks. This article focuses on how PPOs are being managed and what the future might hold for how these claims are handled.

Brace for the inflation storm

Inflation is front of mind for the general public – and that is no different for the insurance market. This article investigates how prepared the sector is for inflation rises and how they can make sure customers see insurance as a must-have instead of a nice-to-have as they tighten their belts.