FOIL is THE representative voice of the defendant insurance lawyer community which advances a reforming agenda for a more transparent and proportionate claims environment benefiting claimants and insurers alike.

FOIL’s members are involved in all areas of insurance and comprise lawyers acting predominantly or exclusively for insurance clients (except legal expenses insurers) either practising with law firms, or as barristers or as in-house lawyers for insurers or self-insurers.

In 2017 FOIL celebrated its 25th Anniversary. The organisation is led by practising lawyers, with a revolving one-year presidency. It has a permanent Chief Executive, drawn from a non-legal insurance industry background, who leads a small expert management team responsible for driving forward long-term strategy, maintaining the timely flow of essential information to members and handling all administration. To find out more, please visit:

FOIL Digest July 2020

FOIL's Digest provides an overview of the latest legal issues impacting the insurance industry. Topics covered include: FOIL in action; FOIL sector focus teams update; Ogden tables 8th edition; credit hire case law update; service of proceedings; discount rate Ireland; insurance and Covid-19.

FOIL Digest May 2020

FOIL's Digest provides an overview of the latest legal issues impacting the insurance industry. Topics covered include: Scottish court reform; catastrophic claims; Draft Fatal Accidents Act 1976 (Remedial Order) 2020; Law Commission consultation on automated vehicles; case law updates.

The voice: Issue 5 2020

Produced by FOIL, this newsletter covers the latest developments relevant to the insurance lawyer community. Topics covered: news from the sector focus teams; Draft Fatal Accidents Act 1976 (Remedial Order) 2020; Law Commission consultation on automated vehicles; AXA Insurance UK Ltd v EUI Ltd.

The voice: Issue 4 2020

Produced by FOIL, this newsletter covers the latest developments relevant to the insurance lawyer community. Topics covered: news from FOIL Sector Focus Teams; serious injury guide steering group; whiplash reforms update; higher value cases being wrongly started in the RTA portal.

FOIL Digest April 2020

FOIL's Digest provides an overview of the latest legal issues impacting the insurance industry. Topics covered include: digital fraud & scams during the Covid-19 pandemic; credit hire SFT; regulatory law SFT; serious injury guide steering group; coronavirus consultation update.

FOIL Update - Coronavirus

In light of Covid-19, this FOIL Update provides: further guidance from the courts on video conferencing; Court of Appeal guidance; information for the Interim Applications Court.

FOIL Update - Micromobility consultation

The Department for Transport has published its anticipated ‘Future for Transport Regulatory Review - Call for Evidence’. The aim is to “start a national conversation about how government and other regulators respond to a new wave of change in transport”. Download this FOIL Update to find out more.