FM Global
Operating in more than 130 countries, FM Global WorldReach® offers our unique combination of insurance products and services seamlessly around the globe, and through a single point of contact. Whether purchasing directly from our worldwide sales professionals or working with an intermediary, FM Global offers products and services that can overcome your global risk management challenges, and accommodate all your commercial property insurance and protection needs.
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Building resilience throughout complex international supply chains
In today's volatile business climate, companies are increasingly vulnerable to supply chain disruptions, yet many CFOs are failing to recognise the fact. Discover what is stopping companies from getting on top of their supply chain risk and how they can build resilience into their operating model.
Increasing climate uncertainty requires businesses to master the disaster
Shareholders today are holding company CFOs accountable for delivering effective risk mitigation projects. Our recent analysis is proving that risk management strategies tend to produce a significant ROI. These findings will encourage the C-suite to focus on disaster recovery and not just growth.
Washed out but not away
When Thai electronics firm, Hana, suffered devastating floods in 2011, production losses drove down profits whilst their customers looked elsewhere for new suppliers. A 5 year ‘drought’ in sales followed just 9 days of flooding, leaving business stakeholders to renew their focus on risk mitigation.
Business interruption risks in the intangible economy
Global business leaders illustrate the business interruption and global impact arising from risks to intangible assets.
Master the disaster
Did you know over a 30-year lifespan of a building, there’s a 26% chance businesses in a 100-year floodplain will get flooded? The first step towards resilience is understanding your risk. This report is an invaluable tool to build resilience into your operations.
To Asia with love
FM Global were involved at every stage of the construction of a new Hershey’s chocolate production plant in Southern Malaysia. From site selection, review services and project management, our engineering experience and WorldReach® partner network has opened-up new sales markets for the US company.
Natural hazards: Prepare today to weather tomorrow's storm
In the face of more frequent and more costly natural disasters, there is growing pressure on CFOs to understand their exposure and mitigate risk. Discover key research undertaken by FM Global and how the ROI of resilience is helping CFOs to invest in their company’s future.
In depth data
FM Global visits around 60,000 sites every year, completing a total of 100,000 surveys, each one different to another. Our unique, personalised approach is highly beneficial; reducing margins of error and building stronger, more resilient organisations as opposed to a ‘one-size-fits-all’ policy.
Measuring cyber risk resilience around the world
Resilience is the capacity for a business to quickly recover from disruption, adapt to challenges and maintain continuous operations. The FM Global Resilience Index casts a light on the resilience of the business environments of nearly 130 countries and regions to inform risk management decisions.
Creating opportunities out of risk
Companies that want to generate long-term, sustainable success must nurture the skills to evolve quickly and adapt to an increasingly disruptive and turbulent operating environment. Resilient businesses are able to turn unexpected threats into commercial advantages.