The Chartered Institute of Loss Adjusters is a members' institute and not a trade body. Whilst the majority of members are employed by loss adjusting companies, many now work for Insurers, Insurance Brokers, Risk and Claims Management companies or major private and public companies. Many also act as claims advisers to policy holders in all sectors.
The Institute plays a pivotal role in leading the profession in the UK and overseas. With the backing of its members it ensures that the profession receives the high profile recognition it deserves. The Institute is self-regulating and totally committed to its core values of standard setting, examination and professional conduct. The Institute helps to shape the future of the profession. Its Committees and Specialist Interest Groups address key issues facing members and act as hubs disseminating information. It also has regular contact with National and European Government bodies and other insurance and business associations.
In recognising that firms increasingly need to work with professionals from other sectors, the Charter allows multi-disciplinary firms to carry the title Chartered Loss Adjusters and individual members have full qualification portability and can retain designatory letters letters subject to Charter requirements. This ensures that adjusters can offer the widest possible range of services to clients in whichever area they operate.
The standards of professionalism and integrity demanded by the Institute have led to its members being respected throughout the insurance world.
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An insight into insurance rebuilding costs
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