Employment Law

52 whitepapers and resources

Employment Law

Resolving legal disputes for landlords and tenants

As mediation and other forms of alternative dispute resolution recover some lost ground, this content explains how a new process that ARAG developed in response to the Coronavirus Act, is proving every bit as helpful in the difficult circumstances created by the cost-of-living crisis.

Legal protection proving value in tough times

Fiscal problems inevitably create legal ones, as disputes emerge over contracts, accounts fall into arrears and pressures generate conflict between employers and their staff. This blog highlights why legal protection is proving its value in tough times and how brokers can help commercial clients.

Big employment wins are tip of an iceberg

A core purpose of legal expenses insurance is to provide access to justice to those who might otherwise be unable to afford it. This blog highlights why lower value employment claims cases are every bit as important as high profile claims and how ARAG has helped policyholders to achieve justice.