Found 14 whitepapers and reports for digitisation

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All things digital

ARAG has made considerable investments to stay at the very forefront of digital legal services. One of the most significant advances has been the creation of the next generation of the ARAG Legal Services website. This blog highlights the key features for policyholders.

The case for humanised insurance

Over the last decade, insurers have focused heavily on data and analytics, automation, and digitisation. Perhaps overlooked is a better connection to people. This blog highlights why now is the perfect time for the insurance industry to focus on experiences and the case for humanised insurance.

Getting started with insurance modernisation

As the industry continues to increase its reliance on digital technology, insurers who haven’t identified a clear path to harnessing the benefits of modernisation will fall behind. This blog highlights three things leaders need to know as they embark on their insurance modernisation journey.

Automated insurance claims processing: How does it work?

With more emerging players entering the insurance market and insurance companies recognising the importance of the digital experience, consumer demands for a connected insurance experience have grown to new heights. This blog highlights why insurers should prioritise automated claims processing.